
Stubborn, unsightly bulges of fat are a problem for many women and men. In women, those fat deposits occur most frequently from the waist down, on hips, buttocks and outer thighs (saddlebags). Fat deposits on men tend to accumulate above the waist, on the abdomen and sides of the waist (love handles).

How to Reduce and Remove Persistent Areas of Fat

Now with liposculpture, both men and women can improve the contours of their bodies through a relatively simple and safe technique. Liposuction surgery involves the removal of fat cells from the body using tiny tubes called cannulae. It is designed for those who have specific areas of localized fat deposits and who have tried unsuccessfully to eliminate them through diet, exercise and weight loss.

What Can Liposuction Treat?

While the procedure is not designed to correct general obesity, any area where excess fat deposits have accumulated can be treated.

Inner and outer thighs
Men with excess breast tissue, i.e. gynecomastia can also benefit from liposuction.

Who Can Benefit from Liposuction?

Men and women in good physical condition with good skin elasticity are the best candidates for liposuction. There’s no longer an age specification that people need to meet, but you must be personally assessed by Dr. Edds to determine if you are a suitable candidate.

Before Surgery

Prior to surgery a complete medical history is taken in order to evaluate the general health of the patient. A thorough examination is also conducted. Dr. Edds describes the type of anesthesia to be used, the procedure, what results might realistically be expected, and possible risks and complications.

Preoperative directions may include the elimination of certain drugs, which contain aspirin in order to minimize the possibility of excess bleeding. Antibiotics may be prescribed prior to surgery to prevent infection. Photographs are often taken before and after surgery in order to evaluate the final results. The areas to be contoured are marked with a special marking pen.

How Liposuction is Performed

Liposuction surgery is performed in our accredited outpatient surgical facility.  A certified anesthesia provider provides anesthesia services.  Premedication is administered to help you relax. When performing what is known as the “tumescent” procedure, Dr. Edds injects a significant amount of tumescent solution into the area. This procedure has the advantage of reducing pain and bruising in the area.

After saturating the fat, Dr. Edds makes a small incision in the skin and inserts a tube (cannula) either attached to a high-pressure vacuum suction or to a syringe system. The fat is dislodged and then vacuumed from the body with the suction device. Dr. Edds determines the amount of fat removed by feeling the skin and pinching the tissue.

After Your Liposuction

A compression garment is worn after surgery to ensure a smoother result. Because liposuction surgery does not involve large incisions and extensive cutting, pain is minimal to moderate and is controlled with oral medication. Antibiotics will be prescribed to prevent infection. Most patients are completely ambulatory following surgery, but rest is recommended for the initial postoperative period. Patients are usually able to return to normal activities within a week.

Some swelling and discoloration can occur, but usually disappear within a month. Scars, which fade significantly with time, are for the most part, inconspicuous because they are made within the natural creases of the body whenever possible.

Are there risks with liposuction?

Complications associated with liposuction are considered rare; however, an uneven skin surface, bleeding, infection, numbness and discoloration can occur. Some of these conditions correct themselves in time; others respond to medications. There are certain inherent risks connected with every surgical procedure, which will be discussed with Dr. Edds.

You can minimize complications by carefully following directions given by Dr. Edds.

It is important to remember that liposuction surgery, while not a cure for generalized obesity, is an excellent procedure that can benefit those who want to remove unsightly fat from localized areas. Patients who choose this type of surgery, however, must have realistic expectations about the outcome and understand the final results may not be apparent for up to one year.

If you are interested in learning more about this procedure, please call our office at (270) 926-9033 or (800) 820-4833 and we will be happy to answer questions about the procedure itself or about procedure cost and financing.