Breast Implant Update

Breast Implant Update

Breast augmentation is the most frequent cosmetic surgical procedure nationwide. In 1992, the FDA took the old silicone implants off the market. Between 1992 and 2006, only saline implants were available for breast augmentation. In 2006, after research on over 17,000 women, the new cohesive silicone gel implants were introduced to the market. Because patients loved the more natural feel and less wrinkling and rippling, within 10 years that implant represented over  80% of the market in the U.S. About a year ago, an even more popular implant was introduced, the Inspira cohesive gel implant. For several reasons, the Inspira is now chosen by over 90% of our patients. The percentage of gel is higher than the “standard” gel implant. This results in even less rippling and wrinkling. Also, the gel in the Inspira is even more cohesive, resulting in better retention of shape. This is especially seen with improved upper breast fullness. To learn more about the Natrelle cohesive collecton go to

For your complimentary breast implant consultation, call today for your appointment  270-926-9033 or 800-820-4833.