Is a facelift right for you? Explore your options..

Is a facelift right for you? Explore your options..

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Each year, one of the most popular procedures patients seek to take 10 to 15 years off of their appearance is the facelift. They want to address the loose skin, laxity of underlying muscles, and accumulation of fat in undesirable places. Today, facial plastic surgeons have new techniques and variations of the standard facelift to meet your unique needs. Explore the options and schedule an appointment with Dr. Edds to create the optimal plan.

Traditional facelift

Look at the angle between your neck and lower jaw. A traditional facelift can improve the appearance of the lower two-thirds of your face by reducing the sagging skin, muscles, and fat. Incisions are made above the hairline; the skin is separated from the fat and muscle below. The muscle is resupported with stitches. Fat may be trimmed or suctioned from around the neck and chin to improve the contour. The skin is redraped and tightened to a natural point; the excess skin is removed. Stitches or sutures may be used to secure the skin and to close the incisions. Additional incisions may be made under the chin to address loose deposits of hanging tissue. The procedure requires four to six weeks for the skin to completely heal. This option is major surgery that yields significant, permanent improvement to your appearance.


If you do not have an excessive amount of sagging skin around the jaw and neckline and instead are seeking improvement in the cheek and lower eyelid area, the mid-facelift may be the right procedure for you. The mid-facelift is performed through tiny incisions placed within the hairline and on the inside of the mouth. Underlying muscle and fat is repositioned; excess skin is removed. This re-draping improves the nasal furrows and restores a more youthful appearance. Results are permanent, although the face will continue to age naturally.

Limited incision facelifts

The following procedures?S-lift, J-lift, and short scar facelift?minimize the incision length. The advantage may be a shorter recovery. The disadvantage of a limited incision facelift is that changes are not as extensive as a traditional facelift procedure.

The S-lift derives its name from the “s” shape of the excision used near the ear. Soft tissue is fixated to the cheekbones to provide stability and fullness to the area. The J-lift raises and firms the lower one-third of the face and neck. Its name comes from the area that is corrected by the procedure, the jawline or jowls. By repositioning of the muscle groups underneath the surface, the jowl is lifted to its natural, best site for beauty. The incisions are hidden.

The short scar facelift has an incision length half the size of a traditional facelift incision. This lift repositions the skin and soft tissues of the face that have been affected by the aging process, with the principle difference being minimized scarring. Unfortunately, not all patients are good candidates for this technique; patients with excessive skin around the neck would benefit more from a traditional facelift.

Liquid facelift

A popular, minimally invasive option is the liquid facelift (also referred to as a lunchtime lift), which places large amounts of fillers into the face to lift and contour facial features. The results are immediate; however, the benefit is temporary with the specific length of time depending on the type of filler used. There is minimal downtime.

Aging of the face is inescapable; over time, the skin loosens on the face and the neck. The jawline softens and folds appear on the front of the neck. Unfortunately, our personal habits, heredity, the pull of gravity, and sun exposure all contribute to the aging of the face. However, there are facelift options that can help restore your youthful visage. While younger patients may require less extensive procedures or older patients may request less downtime, recent advances in techniques and modern variations to the traditional facelift offer a wide range of procedures. Trust your face to a facial plastic surgeon to personalize your procedure, decrease operative time, reduce postoperative complications, and provide optimal results.


Facelift FAQs

What is the typical age for a facelift?

While there is no perfect age, patients are generally between 40 to 70 years old.

How do I know if I am a good candidate for a particular facelift procedure?

Set realistic expectations; work with your facial plastic surgeon to determine which type of facelift will bring you optimal results.

How do I avoid that “skin pulled too-tight” appearance?

Your surgeon will provide the best, most natural results based on your anatomy, skin type, and age.

Will I be awake during the procedure?

For surgical facelifts, you will be asleep. Surgeons typically use intravenous sedation and local anesthetic (numbing medicine).  For minimally invasive options, you will probably be awake with possibly a local anesthetic, depending on the treatment.

Do I have to stay overnight at a hospital?

No, most facelifts are done on an outpatient basis.