Where you live can affect your skin’s aging process

Where you live can affect your skin’s aging process


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A recent study shows a correlation between skin aging and overall city lifestyle. Factors include climate, stress, occupational aspects, ozone pollution, diet, and fitness. Regardless of where you live, lifestyle choices affect how well you age. What can you do to combat the factors that may be accelerating the aging process?

Revisit skin routine

Don’t be stuck in a rut. If fine lines are starting to appear, you may benefit from adding a retinol cream (vitamin A derivative) that rebuilds collagen and helps smooth fine lines. Cleanse, moisturize, and use sunscreen. If it has been a while since your facial plastic surgeon has evaluated your skin, make an appointment and bring the products that you are currently using. Your surgeon will be able to tell you what combination of skin care products would be optimal.


Are you getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night? Your body needs this time to rebuild and rejuvenate your skin. Research has shown that lack of sleep slows recovery and increases inflammation in the skin. Also, try to sleep on your back, which reduces wrinkle formation caused by repeatedly pressing your face into the pillow.


In order to fight the aging process, provide your body with the nutrients and vitamins it needs to repair cell damage and build healthy new cells. Nuts and fish, which contain Omega-3 essential fatty acids, help hydrate the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Foods high in vitamin C, such as broccoli and blueberries, protect against ultraviolet damage from the sun and reduce wrinkling. While improving your diet will not eliminate wrinkles or sagging, research has shown that it will improve the texture and tone of your skin.


The daily commute to your job can be stressful, causing increased cortisol (the stress hormone) production that breaks down collagen and contributes to sagging skin and wrinkles. Find enjoyable ways to pass the time during your commute or any time you are in the car, such as listening to music or an audiobook, catching up with friends (hands-free), or sipping your favorite power-protein shake.

Avoid pollutants

Pollution can damage the skin by depleting the cells of oxygen, resulting in dryness, acne, rashes, and irritation. On days when air quality is low, try to provide a barricade between your skin and air pollution particles, e.g., long sleeves. Reduce your use of toxic substances in the home, workplace, and community through safer substitute programs and green product design. Proper ventilation of fresh air and keeping indoor humidity low are also beneficial.

Stay active

Besides the cardiovascular benefits for your heart and lungs, exercise promotes healthy blood circulation?this is vital in delivering nutrients and oxygen to your cells so they may function properly. Your skin is a living organ and depends on good circulation to stay healthy. Find a physical activity that you enjoy doing for at least 30 minutes and incorporate it into your daily schedule.